Dr Rebekah Eden
Rebekah Eden (rg.eden@qut.edu.au) is a lecturer of enterprise systems within the School of Information Systems at Queensland University of Technology. Before this she was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Queensland.
Rebekah’s research centers on the digital transformation of healthcare, including the impacts of the transformation, how effectively health information systems are used, and areas critical to the success of the transformation. To understand this specific phenomenon and more broadly the complex interplay between the users, use, and impacts of organizational-wide information systems, Rebekah adopts a mixed methods approach. This involves qualitative case studies, interviews, and focus groups, and quantitative survey based techniques. Rebekah has published her work in a variety of forums, including MIS Quarterly Executive, Communications of the AIS, Australian Health Review, and the International Conference of Information Systems.
Asides from research, Rebekah is also an active lecturer with experience teaching post graduate and undergraduate units related to enterprise systems, corporate systems, and business intelligence. She consistently receives high student evaluations through a teaching pedagogy that incorporates real-world teaching cases informed by her research.