
Journal Papers

Eden, R., A. Burton-Jones, V. Casey, and M. Draheim, Digital Transformation Requires Workforce Transformation. MIS Quarterly Executive, 2019. 18(1): p. 4.

Kamalpour, M., A.R. Aghdam, J. Watson, A. Tariq, L. Buys, R. Eden, and S. Rehan, Online health communities, contributions to caregivers and resilience of older adults. Health and Social Care in the Community, 2020. [online early]: p. 1-16.

Poppe, E., A. Pika, M.T. Wynn, R. Eden, R. Andrews, and A.H.M. ter Hofstede, Mining Best-Practice Using Mixed-Methods: Insights and Recommendations from a Case Study in Insurance Claims Processing. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2020. [forthcoming].

Eden, R., A. Burton-Jones, I. Scott, A. Staib, and C. Sullivan, Effects of eHealth on hospital practice: Synthesis of current literature. Australian Health Review, 2018. 42(5): p. 568-578.

Eden, R., A. Burton-Jones, J. Grant, R. Collins, A. Staib, and C. Sullivan, Digitising an Australian university hospital: Qualitative analysis of staff-reported impacts. Australian Health Review, 2020. 44(5): p. 677-689.

Eden, R., A. Burton-Jones, A. Staib, and C. Sullivan, Surveying perceptions of the early impacts of an integrated electronic medical record across a hospital and healthcare service. Australian Health Review, 2020. 44(5): p. 690-698.

Eden, R. and D. Sedera. The largest admitted IT project failure in the Southern Hemisphere: a teaching case, in International Conference on Information Systems

Conference Papers

Eden, R., A. Burton-Jones, C. Ballantine, A. Staib, and C. Sullivan, The transformation of Australia's First Large Digital Hospital: A Teaching Case, in International Conference on Information Systems. 2020: India.

Jayarathna, L., R. Eden, E. Fielt, and A. Nili, The Effective Use of Social media Networks for Collaborative Learning in higher Education, in International Conference on Information Systems. 2020: India.

Eden, R. and A. Burton-Jones, Beyond effective use: A journey to understand inconsistencies in use, in International Conference on Information Systems 2018.

Eden, R. and A. Burton-Jones, The dynamics of organizational culture: The case of culture work in a digital hospital, in International Conference on Information Systems 2018.

Eden, R., A. Burton-Jones, and R. Donovan, Testing the Links from Fit to Effective Use to Impact: A Digital Hospital Case, in International Conference on Information Systems 2019.

Eden, R., E. Fielt, and G. Murphy, Advancing the theory of effective use through operationalization, in European Conference of Information Systems. 2020: Morocco.

Jayarathna, L., R. Eden, E. Fielt, and A. Nili, Contextualizing the effective use of social media network for collaborative learning: An affordance perspective, in Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 2020: Dubai.

Syed, R., S. Leemans, R. Eden, and J.A.C.M. Boos, Process mining adoption: A technology continuity versus discontinuity perspective, in Business Process Management Forum. 2020: Online.

Wynn, M.T., S. Suriadi, R. Eden, E. Poppe, A. Pika, R. Andrews, and A.H. ter Hofstede, Grounding process data analytics in domain knowledge: A mixed-method approach to identifying best practice, in International Conference on BPM. 2019. p. 163-179.

Eden, R., S. Akhlaghpour, P. Spee, A. Staib, C. Sullivan, and A. Burton-Jones, Unpacking the complexity of consistency: Insights from a grounded theory study of the effective use of electronic medical records, in Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. 2018: Hawaii.

Eden, R., D.D. Sedera, and F. Tan, Archival analysis of enterprise resource planning systems: the current state and future directions, in International Conference on Information Systems. 2012.

Sedera, D., R. Eden, and E. McLean, Are we there yet? A step closer to theorizing information systems success, in International Conference on Information Systems. 2013.

Eden, R., D. Sedera, and F. Tan, Sustaining the momentum: archival analysis of enterprise resource planning systems (2006–2012). Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2014. 35(1): p. 3.

Rahman, M.I., A. Alarifi, R. Eden, and D. Sedera, Archival analysis of service desk research: New perspectives on design and delivery, in Australian Conference on Information Systems. 2014.

Dey, S. and R. Eden, Gamification: An emerging trend, in Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 2016.

Eden, R., E. Fielt, and G.D. Murphy, The impact of user capital on information systems success, in Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 2016.

Eden, R., E. Fielt, and G.D. Murphy. Who are the Operational Users of Enterprise Systems: Does One Size Fit All? in Proceedings of the 28th Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2017.

Eden, R., A. Burton-Jones, I. Scott, A. Staib, and C. Sullivan, The Impacts of eHealth upon practice; Synthesis of the current literature, in Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research. 2017.